Poetry Midwest had a good run for twenty-three issues between 2000 and 2010. During that time, it also published three digital broadsides and one digital chapbook. Then it went on permanent hiatus, and never recovered. You can download these materials here.
Poetry Midwest did not adhere to a specific artistic aesthetic, but aimed to publish work which showed evidence of skillful craftsmanship. I looked for pieces which pushed the boundary of language to capture the essence of experience with vivid imagery while avoiding didacticism. Poetry Midwest was flarf-friendly, but demandingly so.
Poetry Midwest was edited by Matthew W. Schmeer on an Apple Power Macintosh G4 (Gigabit Ethernet) and an iMac Core Duo running MacOS X 10.4.11 using Microsoft Entourage 2004, TextWrangler 2.3, Excalibur 4.0.7, and Pages 3.0.3.
This web site is hosted on Blogger.com, and any HTML & CSS template tweaking was coded using TextWrangler 2.3, Taco HTML Edit and Nvu.